Saturday, December 26, 2009

What a Wonderful Christmas

What a wonderful day yesterday was.  We didn't wake up at the crack of dawn.  Instead we slept in. Our kids looked at books quietly in their rooms. We ate breakfast than my children brought me the last day of our advent calender.  Our advent calender is one that my mom made me before my oldest son was born.  Each day focuses on a name of Jesus.  For example: Man of Sorrows, A Tender Plant, Altogether Lovely, The Way, The Truth & The Life.  December 25 is Jesus is The Gift of God.  I was able to explain to them that Jesus is the Best Gift that we can ever receive.  Things bring joy for only a moment, but Christ brings deep satisfying joy everyday for eternity.  We didn't exchange gifts this year.  I did make my boys Blue's Clues Notebooks with a pencil so they can play along.  Friends that are like family gave the boys some gifts. We wanted to focus on who's day it really is.  It is not about us.  It is about Him.  Maybe next year we'll exchange gifts, but if we do I think it will not be on Christmas.  I think we are going to follow the pattern of some friends of ours, that I highly respect and think of the wife like an older sister.  They exchange at Thanksgiving and even then I don't think we will be elaborate in our family.

After the boys opened their present. We watched It's a Wonderful Life again.  That movie makes me cry.  We got the house ready for some friends from church to come over to spend the day with us.  We enjoyed so much fellowshipping with them.  Then we made cupcakes with the boys.  They love anything with chocolate. After dinner we put the candles in the cupcakes & sang happy birthday to Jesus and everyone blew the candles out.

At the end of the day I was so exhausted, but I had so much joy in my heart.  In the past, the day just felt like a day except with gifts.  This Christmas it was so satisfying, joyful and just wonderful.  My husband said to me right before we went to bed, "It felt like today was Sunday".  I knew what he meant.  It did feel spiritually refreshing like a Sunday.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tomorrow is the beginning of another school week. I think that I am going to do some special Christmas projects.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jesus Is The Best Gift We Can Get!

When the economy is good the presents under the tree become overflowing and when the presents are all unwrapped the thoughts towards Christ is often forgotten in all of the wrapping, new toys, and gadgets.  I believe in some repects it is a blessing that the economy is not good.  When you resist plunging more in debt to have a "good" Christmas and instead live within your means, the focus shifts more on Christ and less on the gifts under the tree.  The most amazing thing is instead of feeling stressed out with all of the shopping and trying to make a picture perfect Christmas you enjoy Christmas and draw closer to Christ.  The whole purpose for celebrating this joyous occasion is realized.  The joy that exudes from your heart to worship God our Father for giving us the perfect gift - Jesus Christ.  Knowing Christ set aside His glory to become a man to the point of death, even the death on the cross. (Phil. 2: 5-11)

Maybe the Lord allowed the economy to be as it is to cause His children to turn back to Him in such a real way.  We need to have passion for the Lord and the for the furtherance of the Gospel.  We are not here to accumulate we are here to further the kingdom of God.  To tell others of the hope that is in Christ Jesus, which is the person we are celebrating this season.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Lord Never Forsakes His Own

Now, no one would argue that these are tough times in America.  It seems like every day I hear of someone losing their job or a store is closing.  It is so easy to fall into depression.  For believers we are to hope in God.  Easier said than done when you are wondering how the bills will be paid, you have to cancel doctor appointments because you don't have the co-pays or how to even feed your family.  I was reading in Psalm 77 and a devotional from Charles Spurgeon.  I really enjoy the psalms of Asaph.  He writes what we all feel and think at times but don't speak for fear of what others may think.  In the beginning of the psalm Asaph writes his complaint to God, but he doesn't stay their he remembers the works of God in the past and ends up hoping in God and praising Him.  It is okay to pour your heart out before God and show your pain.  Just don't stay there.  Remember the faithfulness of God in the past and how He has never forsaken His own. Then put your hope in God.  I quote to son all the time "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thess 5: 18 and one of my favorites "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say Rejoice!" Phil 4:4.  For the believer going through tough financial times you can say, "I am broke, but I have joy in my Savior because I know He will take care of me."  Maybe you are struggling with your health you can say, "My body may be falling apart, but I have joy in my Savior because He is here with me giving me strength for today."  We have a lot to rejoice about!  We have our salvation, our hope, our inheritance that is ours in Christ Jesus, for His promises, for His love and just for Him.  Truly Christ is joy to the World.!  Rejoice everyone!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Lord is Soverign

It is amazing, life. It reminds me of how a story is written. As you are growing up you, as a character, are pretty flat. Once a person accepts Christ his life begins. A person grows in Christ and as a person. As a character he develops and becomes interesting. God is molding the person for His use. Most of life seems to be preparation for the task that the Lord has for you.

I have been studying the life of Joseph. It is amazing how even though his family was a mess in every way even spiritually Joseph loved God and knew to do right in His sight. His life up to 30 years old was preparation. In comparison, the Lord Jesus was in preparation for the task He went through for 30 years as well. During those years Joseph developed and changed. He became a rounded character. The Lord was molding him through all of those trials.

The freedom in Christ is amazing. The best freedom is to find pure enjoyment in Christ. To love, obey, and serve Christ there is nothing better. For my family and me we are in preparation for something. I can feel the Lord lovingly molding us and me into what he needs us to be for Him. What a joy to be free, to be who Christ has design you to be for His Glory and for the furtherance of the Gospel.

The Lord is Sovereign. He knows the future and is molding His children to accomplish His purpose for His glory.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What an Awesome God to Serve

Yesterday we went on an outing. We stopped to fill up with gas and I saw these pretty yellow flowers that look kind of like daisies but they are yellow with a dark center. They were just by the gas station no one planted them or any human taking care of them. I asked my son, "Do you think that flower looks like a happy flower?" and he said, "yes." I told him, "Your are right that flower is smiling at you because it is bringing glory to God its creator." I was in awe how God created so much variety. He didn't have to. He could have created the basic necessities of life, but he didn't. He created so much beauty and variety for us to enjoy. The stars - need I say more. In looking at it all, you can't help but be filled with so much joy and give glory to God for all He created.

There is more than God's creation to see the awesomeness of God. I have a friend that is struggling with cancer. You may wonder how does this pain and suffering show the awesomeness of God. I'll tell you. This friend is praising God through it and spreading the gospel to other cancer patients while she is doing treatments. God is having her tell about the hope of the gospel to people who are seeking for hope. Only she can reach these people in a real way because she is going through the same thing as them. Even though it may be a tough trial a person can look at her life and give glory to God and be filled with the same joy that you feel when you see the beauty of His creation.

What about financial hardship? The awesomeness of God is seen even in this. If you are going though financial hardship and you are one of His children, you have His Word to cling to when it is tempting to fret. You see how God is there to take care of you. He supplies all of your needs not wants. You become a better steward of what the Lord does give you. You then come to the realization that everything you have is the Lord's and find an overwhelming joy and satisfaction in your Heavenly Father. You know He is a good Father and He loves you. During the financial hardship you are reveling in fellowship of your Lord and Savior. God is glorified. Not only will you see the awesomeness of God in your own life but others around you that are watching you go through the hardship will see the awesomeness of God.

I have learned in my life to not look at any situation or circumstances from man's point of view, which typically reminds me of Eeyore in Winnie the pooh, but I look at it as, "What is God trying to do through this circumstance? How may I glorify Him through it?" Or just be still and enjoy seeing the awesomeness of God at work and praise and glorify Him. Recently I have been the latter. I have just been still and enjoy taking in the awesomeness of God because it is all around me. If you are His child and you have saving faith in Him as your Lord and Savior than you can say with me WHAT AN AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Heavenly Father

I love children's simplicity. I heard my two older boys talking. Gabriele says to Gianluca "God is my Father" and Gianluca says "God is my Father too. Papa' is coming home Sunday and he is my best friend." My children are beginning to understand that God is to be our Father though they don't understand the gospel yet. It is an awesome thing to have God as your Heavenly Father. To see Him as He really is not as human fathers that are fallible but holy and righteous and perfect.

How often I find joy, comfort, and peace in the time I spend with my Heavenly Father. So many days in my study of God's Word He shows me exactly what is needed for the moment. The joy to be able to go to God at anytime for help when the day is hard or praise when you see God at work or thank Him for an answer to prayer or when He grants you a gift whatever that may be. When I get to spend time with my Heavenly Father I feel like time stands still. There are so many hymns I love but one of them is In The Garden. It describes how it feels to spend time with my Heavenly Father and my Savior.

Knowing God is my Father makes everything in life to make sense. When trials come I can embrace it because I know God loves me and He is conforming me to His image. Everything in life is ment to draw us closer to God and conformed to His image. I have been reading John Pipers book Desiring God. Nothing is more wonderful than to find your greatest pleasure in God. I want my life to be lived as a living sacrife to the Glory of God.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God's Classroom

It is amazing how you go to college to get prepared for what you think you are going to do for the rest of your life. It is amazing because when you are in school you think at times this is really hard with all of the deadlines and tests. I have been out of school for 13 years. Nothing from college really prepares you for when you are in God's classroom. God is a gentle teacher but His class is not easy. He doesn't give you deadlines for papers to be due or for you to study to take a written test. He teaches you through His word and tests you through trials. Recently we have been through many trials. We know that God is preparing us for something. We are not positive for what yet. We are praying to see if God is calling us to work along side Lucio and his family in building a church in Rome. It probably won't take place for a few years for our family to join Lucio's family. Our church is helping to train and prepare us for whatever the Lord has for us. It is an incredible feeling when you are seeing the Lord training and preparing you. God is the best teacher because he knows exactly how to prepare you because He knows the future and what you will encounter. Even though God's class is hard I am very thankful to be in it and am excited to see what He has in store for us.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Pursuit of Christ

On my ride to and from NM (Trader Joes and Dunkin Donuts) I have been thinking a lot about people's pursits of Christ. I remember thinking about this at the end of my freshmen year of college. I heard so many times "If you aren't doing this than you are a backslidden Christian or if you do this you are a back slidden Christian" The "this" was typically something man imposed not scripture backed such as women and skirts or making sure you do all of the "Christian type" things flawlessly. I remeber thinking there must be more to Christianity than this and Jesus never meant life in Christ to be like this. I spent the next three years asking God to show me of all I was taught what was true to His word and what to discard as man imposed. The Lord is the Master teacher and He did and continues to do just that for me. I say all that because I have also been observing people in general that are in the church.

We all know that every Christian is in different places in their walks (Maturity) with Christ. Some are spiritual infants, kids, teens, young adults, adults, and elderly. We are to always examine and make sure that we are in the faith. As we spend time with the Lord Jesus in His word and prayer not because we "have to" but out of a deep desire to draw near to our Savior the more like Him we become. I have observed how some will focus on the do's and don't's and be almost proud that they appear flawless in that area but yet they seem to me missing something when you talk with them and get to know them. The danger in focusing so much on the do's and don't's is that we end up becoming more leagelistic. When the focus is on do's and don't and not drawing near to the Savior we forget the Savior and become what Jesus critisized the pharisees for. I have enjoyed the company of many who truly love our Lord Jesus and focus on Him to the point that it is shows in everything they do and say. They truly exemplify the love of Christ to those around them. They have joy in their life no matter what is going on in it. You're encouraged just to be around them. I have also been in the company of those focused on do's and don't's. They lack joy. They display a struggle with contentment. They have service for the Lord but without the genuine love for those they are serving. They are quick to judge people (by writing them off as not spiritual or worldly because they are not like them) before they ever give them a chance by listen to them not just seeing them. I am thankful that the Lord Jesus did not write off Peter, James, John, Andrew and the rest of the Apostles because they did not fit a mold that man has made in his mind of a godly man who should serve Christ. I have learned in my walk with Christ that the Lord Jesus uses the most unlikely people in man's mind to do the most amazing things for Christ. The Lord Jesus loves those who are teachable and have a broken and contrite heart. May we be like the writer of Ps 73:28 " But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Your works." Walking in obedience to the Lord is to come through our love for the LORD not because of desiring men's praise by appearancing to be flawless.

As we pursue Christ may we become the elderly in Christ who have a passion for the LORD and desire Him above all else. To love people where they are at and not judge them but embrace them and encourage them to have a deeper pursuit of Christ. May we all draw near to Christ and know that sweet fellowship everyday. To have joy pour from us even in the midst of trials. Let people see that we rejoice always no matter what because we rest and trust our Savior who loves us and gave Himself for us.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Keeping your eyes on Jesus

The family of God is so beautiful. They are more dear to me than family by blood. People say the bond by blood is thick, but I believe the bond through the blood of Christ is thicker. The body of Christ has something in common we are all sinners saved by grace. We share a love for our Savior and a deep desire to follow Him in obedience.
Yesterday I was struggling with the fact I am still not better. I called my friend and sister in Christ who has experienced similar things and she was their to lift me up and told me to maditate on a verse and talk to God throughout my day especially when things are tough. I followed her suggestions. Can I say the hymn "Turn your eyes upon Jesus" took place in my life that day. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace." Joy returned to my heart as my eyes got fixed on my dear Savior's face. Nothing else mattered anymore. That is the beautiful thing about the family of God. To be there for one another and to help each other keep our eyes on Jesus. As we draw near to Jesus the more in love with Him we become. As another great hymn says, "I'd rather have Jesus than silver and gold. I'd rather have Jesus than riches untold. I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world affords to give."
I am so thankful that God chose me, redeemed me, adopted me and made me His own. - a daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sick Days

As a mom you expect to have to take care of everyone especially when they are sick. What happens when mom is sick? I find it a real struggle to be able to deal with everything when I am under the weather. Since my last trip to CA I haven't been myself. I have Fibromyalgia and I had it managed pretty well until the last trip to CA. It wiped me out completely. I had thought that the dentist was working on trade with my husband that is why I went 3 months in a row. If I had known he would charge me almost full price I would have stay home and gone to a dentist here. I would have to pay anyway, but at least I would have my health. I have been trying to see the positive in it all. I normally can find it easily, but I have to admit that I am struggling. I can see that it makes you more dependant on the Lord for strength which is good and it make you to be still because you can't do much else. I just find it frusterating because I am the type of person that likes my house clean and in order and on top of all of my work and on top of teaching the boys. When the body wipes out your doing good to keep the house somewhat straight, laundry mostly done and kids taken care of. Your head is going ten thousand miles an hour and your body is in neutral. My dream would be to wake up everyday feeling good with energy to take care of everything and even get to do creative things with the kids. The key is to pace yourself and listen to your body. Right now, I nurse my youngest son. I will definitly be celebrating in February when I wean him and am officially done with pregnancy & nursing stage in my life. It doesn't help having someone sucking the life out of you.:D What you do for love for your child. I know the Lord is using even all of this to teach me something. I don't know what it is exactly except endurance, dependancy, dare I say patience.:) You almost have to say that word nervously never knowing if a huge test will come to try your patience.:D This is what I have been dealing with for the past month and a few weeks. Just needed to get out the frustration I have been feeling recently. I am always praying and hoping that tomorrow I will feel better. Maybe tomorrow will be better. In the meantime "This is the day the LORD has made let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Things you Pray For

Have you ever prayed for something and mean it with all of your heart and then move on with your life and not really thinking about it again? I have been reminded during my devotions recently that I prayed in college that the Lord would allow me to see Him in a real way after talking to a friend and seeing how his family depended on the Lord for everything even the food on their table. I read the biography of George Muller a few years ago and I thought what an incredible man of faith and his calm dependancy on the Lord for his every need. I deep down craved for the confidence of faith for even the basic necessities. Well, the Lord has been answering that prayer. I think people with a pay check can take the provision that they have for granted. I know I did when I worked. Being married to a wonderful man that serves others for a living as a hair stylist has given me the most wonderful thing.... utter dependancy on the Lord for the provisions of the most basic things. Nothing is greater than growing closer to the Lord and growing in faith. I also have grown to value everyone that has a job that is serving other people. I no longer take them for granted because I know that they work hard for their money and the price you pay is how they pay their bills. I use to be a cheap tipper if I tipped at all. Now, I tip generously knowing that a tip means so much to that person more than anything that you can give them as a gift because that tip can pay a bill or buy food. More than that to be able to pray and thank the Lord for the food on the table and mean it with all of your heart is something I wouldn't trade for anything this world affords to give. The economy may effect cash flow, whether it be bountful or scarce, but it doesn't diminish the joy and gratitude and dependency on the Lord for all that He provides both physically and spiritually. To have your eyes on Jesus at all times is the place to have them because storms may come in life and you want to be fixed on the Rock of the Lord Jesus where the storm doesn't feel so rough.