Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sick Days

As a mom you expect to have to take care of everyone especially when they are sick. What happens when mom is sick? I find it a real struggle to be able to deal with everything when I am under the weather. Since my last trip to CA I haven't been myself. I have Fibromyalgia and I had it managed pretty well until the last trip to CA. It wiped me out completely. I had thought that the dentist was working on trade with my husband that is why I went 3 months in a row. If I had known he would charge me almost full price I would have stay home and gone to a dentist here. I would have to pay anyway, but at least I would have my health. I have been trying to see the positive in it all. I normally can find it easily, but I have to admit that I am struggling. I can see that it makes you more dependant on the Lord for strength which is good and it make you to be still because you can't do much else. I just find it frusterating because I am the type of person that likes my house clean and in order and on top of all of my work and on top of teaching the boys. When the body wipes out your doing good to keep the house somewhat straight, laundry mostly done and kids taken care of. Your head is going ten thousand miles an hour and your body is in neutral. My dream would be to wake up everyday feeling good with energy to take care of everything and even get to do creative things with the kids. The key is to pace yourself and listen to your body. Right now, I nurse my youngest son. I will definitly be celebrating in February when I wean him and am officially done with pregnancy & nursing stage in my life. It doesn't help having someone sucking the life out of you.:D What you do for love for your child. I know the Lord is using even all of this to teach me something. I don't know what it is exactly except endurance, dependancy, dare I say patience.:) You almost have to say that word nervously never knowing if a huge test will come to try your patience.:D This is what I have been dealing with for the past month and a few weeks. Just needed to get out the frustration I have been feeling recently. I am always praying and hoping that tomorrow I will feel better. Maybe tomorrow will be better. In the meantime "This is the day the LORD has made let us rejoice and be glad in it."

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