Saturday, December 26, 2009

What a Wonderful Christmas

What a wonderful day yesterday was.  We didn't wake up at the crack of dawn.  Instead we slept in. Our kids looked at books quietly in their rooms. We ate breakfast than my children brought me the last day of our advent calender.  Our advent calender is one that my mom made me before my oldest son was born.  Each day focuses on a name of Jesus.  For example: Man of Sorrows, A Tender Plant, Altogether Lovely, The Way, The Truth & The Life.  December 25 is Jesus is The Gift of God.  I was able to explain to them that Jesus is the Best Gift that we can ever receive.  Things bring joy for only a moment, but Christ brings deep satisfying joy everyday for eternity.  We didn't exchange gifts this year.  I did make my boys Blue's Clues Notebooks with a pencil so they can play along.  Friends that are like family gave the boys some gifts. We wanted to focus on who's day it really is.  It is not about us.  It is about Him.  Maybe next year we'll exchange gifts, but if we do I think it will not be on Christmas.  I think we are going to follow the pattern of some friends of ours, that I highly respect and think of the wife like an older sister.  They exchange at Thanksgiving and even then I don't think we will be elaborate in our family.

After the boys opened their present. We watched It's a Wonderful Life again.  That movie makes me cry.  We got the house ready for some friends from church to come over to spend the day with us.  We enjoyed so much fellowshipping with them.  Then we made cupcakes with the boys.  They love anything with chocolate. After dinner we put the candles in the cupcakes & sang happy birthday to Jesus and everyone blew the candles out.

At the end of the day I was so exhausted, but I had so much joy in my heart.  In the past, the day just felt like a day except with gifts.  This Christmas it was so satisfying, joyful and just wonderful.  My husband said to me right before we went to bed, "It felt like today was Sunday".  I knew what he meant.  It did feel spiritually refreshing like a Sunday.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tomorrow is the beginning of another school week. I think that I am going to do some special Christmas projects.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jesus Is The Best Gift We Can Get!

When the economy is good the presents under the tree become overflowing and when the presents are all unwrapped the thoughts towards Christ is often forgotten in all of the wrapping, new toys, and gadgets.  I believe in some repects it is a blessing that the economy is not good.  When you resist plunging more in debt to have a "good" Christmas and instead live within your means, the focus shifts more on Christ and less on the gifts under the tree.  The most amazing thing is instead of feeling stressed out with all of the shopping and trying to make a picture perfect Christmas you enjoy Christmas and draw closer to Christ.  The whole purpose for celebrating this joyous occasion is realized.  The joy that exudes from your heart to worship God our Father for giving us the perfect gift - Jesus Christ.  Knowing Christ set aside His glory to become a man to the point of death, even the death on the cross. (Phil. 2: 5-11)

Maybe the Lord allowed the economy to be as it is to cause His children to turn back to Him in such a real way.  We need to have passion for the Lord and the for the furtherance of the Gospel.  We are not here to accumulate we are here to further the kingdom of God.  To tell others of the hope that is in Christ Jesus, which is the person we are celebrating this season.

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Lord Never Forsakes His Own

Now, no one would argue that these are tough times in America.  It seems like every day I hear of someone losing their job or a store is closing.  It is so easy to fall into depression.  For believers we are to hope in God.  Easier said than done when you are wondering how the bills will be paid, you have to cancel doctor appointments because you don't have the co-pays or how to even feed your family.  I was reading in Psalm 77 and a devotional from Charles Spurgeon.  I really enjoy the psalms of Asaph.  He writes what we all feel and think at times but don't speak for fear of what others may think.  In the beginning of the psalm Asaph writes his complaint to God, but he doesn't stay their he remembers the works of God in the past and ends up hoping in God and praising Him.  It is okay to pour your heart out before God and show your pain.  Just don't stay there.  Remember the faithfulness of God in the past and how He has never forsaken His own. Then put your hope in God.  I quote to son all the time "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thess 5: 18 and one of my favorites "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say Rejoice!" Phil 4:4.  For the believer going through tough financial times you can say, "I am broke, but I have joy in my Savior because I know He will take care of me."  Maybe you are struggling with your health you can say, "My body may be falling apart, but I have joy in my Savior because He is here with me giving me strength for today."  We have a lot to rejoice about!  We have our salvation, our hope, our inheritance that is ours in Christ Jesus, for His promises, for His love and just for Him.  Truly Christ is joy to the World.!  Rejoice everyone!