Thursday, June 3, 2010

Soon to Become One Year Older

The summer is about to begin.  I am turning 36 this month.  It is hard to believe because it feels like yesterday I was 26! :) Is it just me or does it feels like the older you get the faster the years go by.:)  I don't get hung up on the numbers like when you turn 30 or 40 or 50.  Actually, I get pretty excited to see what the next year or decade will be like.  So far I like the thirties.    As I am becoming 1 year older I don't want this year to go by and not have much to show for it, spiritually speaking that is.  It is amazing that we have two times a year to take stock of things New Year's and your birthday.  One thing I do know is that I am thankful for every year that the Lord gives me to enjoy my husband and my 4 sons.  I am also thankful for a strong church and loving brothers and sisters in Christ.  I guess when evaluating everything I am thankful for my salvation/redemption, my adoption into God's family, most.  I am teaching my boys the hymn 'I love to tell the story' and the part that says "It(the redemptive story) satisfies my longing as nothing else can do" I think says it all.  Growing up I was sheltered from the world and though I never really had a taste for it anyway there was always a curiosity.  I am thankful that God gave me a husband who was saved in his mid twenties and grew up(been on his own since he was 14) in the world because I could ask him all of my questions.  He told me that the world is exciting in the beginning but then after some time it is boring and you think there has to be more to life than this.  I was hoping to hear that because Solomon said "vanity vanity all is vanity."  I know the joy that there is in Christ and Christ does satisfies that longing as nothing else can do.

What about this "new year of life"?  I definitely want to continue to truly enjoy the Lord Jesus. I would like to as Jonathan Edwards put it "to be swallowed up in God."  My heart wants to do so much for Christ, others and my church.  My head thinks I can but it is my body that says, "maybe yes or maybe no.  Let me know the day and I will let you know if you can."  Which is aggravating to say the least. I was just talking to my boys today about the boy who gave 5 small loaves and 2 small fish how we are to always to be on the look out for someone that may need our help or that we can minister to them in some way.  Through talking to them I realized that God doesn't require us to go and do big things for Him to use us. He just wants us to love others in any way we can.  Sometimes it just may be praying for others is all one can do and that is a very important job - intercession for the saints though it is not a glamorous job.  I know a lot of people like the glamorous jobs in the Christian community.  Some examples of a glamorous jobs would be teaching the Bible or missionary work or Sunday School teacher but with the glamorous jobs also comes a huge temptation of Pride or self-exaltation.  For me, I would rather do things that doesn't get much notice from people.  I have done the glamorous job for a little while and they are enjoyable when done for the Lord and not for self, but it is not as satisfying as doing things just for God's notice.  I think this new year I am going to try and practice what I am teaching my boys and realize God will use whatever I/we can do for Him, my/our job is to be on the look out.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Week

It is hard to believe it is going to be Resurrection Sunday this Sunday!  It has been pretty amazing I am teaching our boys about Moses.  Last week we learned about the Exodus of the children of Israel which included the 10 plagues.  I had briefly mention about the 10th plague and we talked about if for a little while but I thought it would be neat to read to them a book written by a Deborah Heiligman and the consultant was Rabbi Shira Stern about Passover on the day that Passover began which is today at sun down.  Then I am planning to take a break from our study of Moses and now switch to the new testament and read about the Lord Jesus' last week before He was crucified.  Then, Lord willing if I feel strong enough, to take the boys to the Good Friday service that is at our church then church on Sunday.  I wanted this year holy week to be truly a holy week for us.
I wanted them to understand Passover so they would understand what was happening right before Jesus was crucified.  I don't want the Bible to ever be thought of as flat for my boys I want them to understand that the Bible is the greatest Living Book that they could ever read and celebrations that we have that are about our Lord is to be times to look forward to.  They are not to look forward to the celebrations for what they can get out of it but because it is a time to worship our Lord and Maker.  I am so excited about Resurrection Sunday.  It is not a child's holiday because there are Easter egg hunts.  It is an amazing celebration for every person that has embraced Jesus as their Lord and Savior and is His bond servant forever.  Without His death, burial and resurrection we would have no hope but would be forever under the wrath of God.  May this be truly a holy week for you as you meditate on your hope that in Christ and be thankful that we are no longer under the Law but under Grace that was by the blood of Christ.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Joy of Knowing the Savior

The past couple of years have been trying for us financially and for me health wise.  A friend of mind gave me a wonderful book by Charles Spurgeon called Beside Still Waters Words of Comfort for the Soul.  This book has been truly a comfort to my soul.  I highly recommend it.  It is a daily reading devotional.  During the days that I don't feel well, which are many, I was reminded through the book and my daily reading that I have my loving Lord who is acquainted with pain and is there to give me His grace and strength for the day.  I count my blessings knowing that in the midst of trials He always is giving us blessings.  All of my children are blessings from God, but I look at my youngest as a wonderful spiritual lesson.  My pregnancy with him was by far the worst.  I was either sick or in pain through most of it and yet the joy he has been is indescribable.  The trial of that pregnancy felt long but the joy of the blessing is longer lasting.  So in our trials though they seem long and are long when God gives blessings during the trial they ease the pain of the trial and makes it not feel so heavy.  That is why when you count your blessings the weight you might have been feeling before counting begins to lift.

The economy has been hard for so many people and we are included.  My husband being self employ, I always wondered what would happen to us if the economy went south and now I know. :)  Even in this our Lord is acquainted with because the Bible says that He had no where to lay His head.  Charles Spurgeon says, "Hold loosely to all worldly things, but grip firmly the unseen God.  Fussing, worrying and hurrying will do no good.  Be calm and quiet; all will be well if you are the Lord's child."  He also states that afflictions brings us closer to the Lord.  The saddest thing is if instead of the trial bringing us closer to the Lord we become dishearten and discouraged and trust me it happens.  If this happens we need to recognize it and run back to our loving Savior knowing how much He loves us and rest in His promises and linger in His presence.  I am teaching my boys " 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take Him at His word just to rest upon His promise just to know thus saith the Lord. Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him how I've proved Him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more."  May this be the song of our hearts as it was for  Louisa M. R. Stead who wrote this hymn after the drowning of her husband. Our walk during this time should be the sweetest and we should be seeking the kingdom of God all the more because when you have nothing there is not much distraction from the Kingdom of God.  People get warmed up over politics and what is going on in the world and my answer to all of it is God ordained all for His purpose and for His glory.  If it brings us closer to the day He returns than how great is that.  We can all say, "Come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly!"  Actually my son keeps asking me, "When is Jesus going to come down from heaven?  Can He come after Nona comes?"  Then he says, " Jesus is going to come on the 12th.  I can't wait to see Him"  Are we that excited looking with anticipation or have the trial caused us to lose our joy and our passion for the Lord and His word?  The hymn I Just Keep Trusting My Lord written by John W. Peterson keeps playing in my head.
"I just keep trusting my Lord as I walk along.  I just keep trusting my Lord and He give a song; Tho' the storm clouds darken the sky o'er the heav'nly trail, I just keep trusting my Lord-He will never fail!  He's a faithful friend, such a faithful Friend, I can count on Him to the very end."

There is great joy in knowing the God of the Universe and having Him as your Heavenly Father and Jesus as your Redeemer, Savior and Lord.  So as Paul says in Philippians, " Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice."