Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Week

It is hard to believe it is going to be Resurrection Sunday this Sunday!  It has been pretty amazing I am teaching our boys about Moses.  Last week we learned about the Exodus of the children of Israel which included the 10 plagues.  I had briefly mention about the 10th plague and we talked about if for a little while but I thought it would be neat to read to them a book written by a Deborah Heiligman and the consultant was Rabbi Shira Stern about Passover on the day that Passover began which is today at sun down.  Then I am planning to take a break from our study of Moses and now switch to the new testament and read about the Lord Jesus' last week before He was crucified.  Then, Lord willing if I feel strong enough, to take the boys to the Good Friday service that is at our church then church on Sunday.  I wanted this year holy week to be truly a holy week for us.
I wanted them to understand Passover so they would understand what was happening right before Jesus was crucified.  I don't want the Bible to ever be thought of as flat for my boys I want them to understand that the Bible is the greatest Living Book that they could ever read and celebrations that we have that are about our Lord is to be times to look forward to.  They are not to look forward to the celebrations for what they can get out of it but because it is a time to worship our Lord and Maker.  I am so excited about Resurrection Sunday.  It is not a child's holiday because there are Easter egg hunts.  It is an amazing celebration for every person that has embraced Jesus as their Lord and Savior and is His bond servant forever.  Without His death, burial and resurrection we would have no hope but would be forever under the wrath of God.  May this be truly a holy week for you as you meditate on your hope that in Christ and be thankful that we are no longer under the Law but under Grace that was by the blood of Christ.