Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God's Classroom

It is amazing how you go to college to get prepared for what you think you are going to do for the rest of your life. It is amazing because when you are in school you think at times this is really hard with all of the deadlines and tests. I have been out of school for 13 years. Nothing from college really prepares you for when you are in God's classroom. God is a gentle teacher but His class is not easy. He doesn't give you deadlines for papers to be due or for you to study to take a written test. He teaches you through His word and tests you through trials. Recently we have been through many trials. We know that God is preparing us for something. We are not positive for what yet. We are praying to see if God is calling us to work along side Lucio and his family in building a church in Rome. It probably won't take place for a few years for our family to join Lucio's family. Our church is helping to train and prepare us for whatever the Lord has for us. It is an incredible feeling when you are seeing the Lord training and preparing you. God is the best teacher because he knows exactly how to prepare you because He knows the future and what you will encounter. Even though God's class is hard I am very thankful to be in it and am excited to see what He has in store for us.