Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Pursuit of Christ

On my ride to and from NM (Trader Joes and Dunkin Donuts) I have been thinking a lot about people's pursits of Christ. I remember thinking about this at the end of my freshmen year of college. I heard so many times "If you aren't doing this than you are a backslidden Christian or if you do this you are a back slidden Christian" The "this" was typically something man imposed not scripture backed such as women and skirts or making sure you do all of the "Christian type" things flawlessly. I remeber thinking there must be more to Christianity than this and Jesus never meant life in Christ to be like this. I spent the next three years asking God to show me of all I was taught what was true to His word and what to discard as man imposed. The Lord is the Master teacher and He did and continues to do just that for me. I say all that because I have also been observing people in general that are in the church.

We all know that every Christian is in different places in their walks (Maturity) with Christ. Some are spiritual infants, kids, teens, young adults, adults, and elderly. We are to always examine and make sure that we are in the faith. As we spend time with the Lord Jesus in His word and prayer not because we "have to" but out of a deep desire to draw near to our Savior the more like Him we become. I have observed how some will focus on the do's and don't's and be almost proud that they appear flawless in that area but yet they seem to me missing something when you talk with them and get to know them. The danger in focusing so much on the do's and don't's is that we end up becoming more leagelistic. When the focus is on do's and don't and not drawing near to the Savior we forget the Savior and become what Jesus critisized the pharisees for. I have enjoyed the company of many who truly love our Lord Jesus and focus on Him to the point that it is shows in everything they do and say. They truly exemplify the love of Christ to those around them. They have joy in their life no matter what is going on in it. You're encouraged just to be around them. I have also been in the company of those focused on do's and don't's. They lack joy. They display a struggle with contentment. They have service for the Lord but without the genuine love for those they are serving. They are quick to judge people (by writing them off as not spiritual or worldly because they are not like them) before they ever give them a chance by listen to them not just seeing them. I am thankful that the Lord Jesus did not write off Peter, James, John, Andrew and the rest of the Apostles because they did not fit a mold that man has made in his mind of a godly man who should serve Christ. I have learned in my walk with Christ that the Lord Jesus uses the most unlikely people in man's mind to do the most amazing things for Christ. The Lord Jesus loves those who are teachable and have a broken and contrite heart. May we be like the writer of Ps 73:28 " But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Your works." Walking in obedience to the Lord is to come through our love for the LORD not because of desiring men's praise by appearancing to be flawless.

As we pursue Christ may we become the elderly in Christ who have a passion for the LORD and desire Him above all else. To love people where they are at and not judge them but embrace them and encourage them to have a deeper pursuit of Christ. May we all draw near to Christ and know that sweet fellowship everyday. To have joy pour from us even in the midst of trials. Let people see that we rejoice always no matter what because we rest and trust our Savior who loves us and gave Himself for us.

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