Saturday, October 5, 2019

God is My Provider and Joy

It is said if you have a nice house, nice cars, plenty of money in the bank, go on amazing vacations that you will be happy.  Is that true?  I heard on a news reports that the highest suicide rates are not among the poor people but the super rich people.  The people that are suppose to be the happiest by world standards.  Has this idea crept into the church? I have been meditating on Matthew 6 a lot over the years and especially the last year.  You may hear that the pastor will say that God cares about your needs.  Most people intellectually agrees with it but do they really believe it?  In my experience, I have found that people believe the Scripture in regards to the taking care of us as a spiritual care not a literal care.  They may even intellectually agree that God will provide physical needs but practically they think it all depends on themselves.  I even heard the expression God will help those who help themselves.  It is expected in America to be super successful and if your not you must be doing something wrong. They neglect to realize sometimes the Lord won't bless something in order to grow a person's faith.  He is doing a work is that person's life.  That thought doesn't enter most people's minds.  All of these thoughts go around in my mind and heart.....

My answer is... "Where is Christ in your plan and your life?"  Is He a Sunday God? Is He just good when health issues come?  Do you only come to Him for spiritual needs? Do you treat Him like a genie to grant you your desires?  Where is He in your every day decisions?  How often do you read His Word?  The only way the mind is renewed day by day (Romans 12:2) is by being in the Word of God and not for a nano second.  People spend so much time on their phone with social media and YouTube and they read a verse and think that is good enough for God.  How long would a marriage last if you only spent 1 - 5 mins a day with your spouse?  How great would your parenting be if you spent 1 - 5 mins with your kids?  Relationships require time and investment of oneself in communicating to grow and survive. The same is true with your relationship with Christ?  He is not fire insurance!  If that is what you think, then I don't think you should be feeling that safe.  If you have put your faith and trust in Jesus and what He did on the cross for you to pay for all your sins against a Holy and Righteous God, then Jesus should be the focus of you heart and life.  His Word is how we know who He is and what He want us to do.  God is your Father and He is a Good Father, but not a passive or a permissive Father.  Once you are His, He will care for you in the midst of the hard times and will provide for your needs.  I said needs, not wants.  You don't have to go on a mission trip to see God at work.  You can see Him working everyday when you put Him first and follow His lead; not expecting Him to follow yours.

I read an autobiography and biography of 2 men that lived in dependency on God.  George Muller is well known for the orphanage he started and ran all in the dependency on God and Robert Chapman  ran a home where he invited exhausted missionaries and pastors to stay and be refreshed at no expense to them.  These men's lives of living in dependency on God in everyday life may seem to most people an impossibility for today.  People say they had the "gift of faith".  Obviously, they have never read George Muller's words.  They didn't have the "gift of faith" they knew God! They were in His Word and they trusted Him.  I will say trusting God for your everyday needs is not for the faint of heart especially in the beginning of your journey.  Sometimes God can make you wait. You start by trusting for little things and then you go to bigger things.  Our family lives by faith.  My husband works, but is self-employed and we KNOW God as our Provider and wouldn't have it any other way.  There is joy and contentment because our focus and love is on the Pearl of Great Price (Matt 13:45-46) our Savior Jesus and  not the trinkets in this world.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Children are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

When we think of "fearfully and wonderfully made" we tend to selfishly think of ourselves.  We look at children who struggles in learning as "they have learning disabilities" and it is always said in a sad hushed tone.  What happened to fearfully and wonderfully made and God makes no mistakes and rejoicing in every child's uniqueness.  "Learning disabilities" is not a mistake, a curse, something that dooms children. We are not to look at them with pity and treat them like there is something really wrong with them.  They are to never be treated like, they are just not as smart as the rest of us or belittled or condescended if they have something to say because they are "learning disabled" and can't possibly say anything intelligent or of value.   You may think, "I would never do that." The reality is most people do without realizing it.

 I have hated the term "learning disability" for years because it is not accurate in meaning.   That is why I put it in quotes.  It is a term that pious academia termed and it stuck to the horror of every child that struggles in school. Children are not learning disabled.  The term, if broken down, is unable or not able to learn and that is just not true.   Educators typically do not mean what the word means because if they did then why bother to teach these children.  I do think they partially mean what the word means because their expectation for these children are extremely low.  Their goal is to make sure they are functioning as adults and that is a low expectation.  I think a more accurate term is a child having learning challenges.  A challenge is nothing to get down about because life is full of challenges.  A challenge can be overcome or conquered. The goal with learning challenges is to overcome them. It is to thrive and excel in any field that the child wants to enter as an adult.  That is way higher than a functioning adult.

 Here is an analogy - runners in a race. The Olympics is this summer and it would be a great time to show your discouraged child this as it is happening.  There are several races that the runner runs.  The 100 yd dash is just running as fast as he can to the finish line.  This is compared to the child who has no learning challenges.  There is another race where there are hurdles that the runners have to jump.  Their time isn't as fast as the first race because they had to jump the hurdles.  This is the child with learning challenges.  When the runner was first learning to jump hurdles I don't think it was graceful or very fast. A child with learning challenges has to learn to compensate for the challenge they face whether it is dyslexia, auditory processing, autism or whatever the challenge is.  As they learn to compensate they are jumping the hurdle so to speak.  The more proficient they get at compensating the faster they jump the hurdle until it is a non issue for them.  Sometimes they will still get tripped up just like the professional runner can trip on a hurdle but it is just a trip not a defeat.

I have learning challenges of dyslexia with some auditory processing, I am a teacher, and I have two sons that have learning challenges one has dyslexia and the other has auditory processing and two sons with no learning challenges.   As I said in the beginning, children are fearfully and wonderfully made ( PS 139:14).  Your child has learning challenges.  God doesn't make a mistake.  He gave them a gift.  Children if taught it is a challenge they will be learning so many wonderful skills to use in life.  They will be hard working, not quick to give up, and when they see a challenge they won't walk away but attack it because they will be able to think outside of the box.  These characteristics are great in every area of life.  No matter what happens in their life they will have the skills to handle it.  If they are constantly told they have learning disabilities, they will be defined by it and be limited by it.  Those that are taught it is just a learning challenge will be shaped by it but not defined by it.  They will become like the runners in the Olympics that fly over the hurdles with ease and can learn and do anything in life.

Every child needs examples to look up to.  Please do not have them listen to any celebrity that say "I have dyslexia and school was too hard and I dropped out but now I am joining up to help dyslexic children" just turn them off.  Have them look up to someone like Thomas Edison who today would probably have been diagnosed with dyslexia.  His mother took him out of school and home schooled him and no one would ever guess he would be considered having "learning disabilities".  He was not defined by his challenges.  He overcame them and we are grateful that he did.  Modern day person for girls would be Meryl Davis, the Olympic winner in ice dancing who is dyslexic.  She is in college and her minor is Italian.  Most dyslexic children get told "forget foreign languages because you have learning disabilities".  I was told that and yet Meryl is minoring in Italian.  That is someone to look up to and be inspired by.  She could drop out of college and no one would blame her because she can make a good living skating and yet she is going to finish her undergrad then go for her masters. Albert Einstein  would probably today be diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and look at all he accomplished with the formula for relativity.  Look for people that inspire children to have grit and determination and give them hope that they can be anything they want to be.

Every child learns differently.  As a teacher or a parent it is our job to discover how they learn so we can help them compensate.  One of my sons is very hands on, so guess how I teach him with a lot of manipulative. The other son needs to visualize the concept, so I make sure he can see math concepts in a concrete visual way.  I have him, with grammar, visually see nouns, act out verbs, describe a nouns to understand adj., and explain how the verb is preformed to understand adverbs.  I have found labeling sentences is better for him then diagramming as he gets confused with the process.  We will go back to diagramming when he is ready for it.  It is about understanding your child and helping him jump the hurdles.  Pray for your child that God would help him.  Pray for God to give you wisdom on how to help him or teach him.  Have your child read a chapter in the Bible and narrate it back to you.  It may take time for them to read it but narrating is the best thing they can do.  Narration not only helps them comprehend what they read but put their thoughts in order in their mind to be able to re-tale it to you.  Narration is a skill so it will be rough in the beginning but they will get better and better the more they do it.

As a parent be you child's biggest cheerleader, encourage them when they get discourage, and believe they really can be anything they want to be.  The best coaches in the world have to do that with their runners that trip and fall for the 100th time that day over the same hurdle.  The coach sees the potential in his runner and is determined to develop it.

I was not taught, growing up, that dyslexia and auditory processing is just a challenge.  I was taught it is a learning disability and even worse, my brother was gifted and talented.  I had a mom that worked hard with me throughout my schooling.  I read and narrated the Bible.  The switch in my view was in the eighth grade. There was a math test to see who would get into the 1/2 algebra class and I missed it by a point.  I begged my teacher and assistant principal to let me in the class because I wanted for the first time to be in the advance class and not the slow class.  It meant so much to me.  She let me in the class.  I was on the honor roll throughout 8th - 12th grade.  In 8th or 9th grade I won 1st in my science project and the school thought my dad, who is an engineer, wrote it but I wrote it and no one could believe it. I ended up going to Nationals with my project. Once a child gains the vision that their challenges can't hold them back and they can jump over the hurdles don't underestimate them. They can accomplish anything.  Be aware of one thing, it is hard to break peoples mindset.  If they know you or your child was labeled "learning disabled" and you accomplish so much they will still view you as "learning disabled".  Don't be discourage because you are not responsible for what they think.  You just need to move on and continue to grow.

You may be wondering if as an adult that has learned to compensated do I still get tripped up.  Yes, I do.  Not very often in everyday life.  I still get left and right mixed up when giving directions, to the irritation of my husband.  Sometimes he has to be like James Bond driving. :)   I trip up the most learning new languages as it hits the hurdle section of the race but I have the skills to compensate and I apply them to the new language and set my mind to determination to learn it.  I know it will get learned, it will just take time.  I use to loathe reading and now I am an avid reader.  I love science, math, history, engineering, design (architecture, furniture, clothes, cars, motorcycles), technology.  I love learning.  I am always researching something, whether something I am studying in the Bible, historical events, new technology, or reading medical journal articles.   I refuse to be defined by my challenges they have shaped me by gaining all the characteristics I mentioned get learned with learning challenges.  People have no idea I even have learning challenges and I have dealt with CEOs of companies, movie directors, high up investors. The only way anyone knows is if I tell them; they are shocked to hear it and that is as it should be.   That is what your goal is for you, if you have learning challenges, or your child.  You and your child start looking at those learning challenges and start jumping those hurdles and soar!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What is it you want for this New Year

It is New Year's Day 2014!  I don't do New Year's Resolutions, but I do contemplate on the past year.  It usually involves looking at my walk with the Lord and then I look forward to what I would like to see this coming year.  2013 was a year of great growth as I enjoyed truly digging in the Word of God and drawing near to my Lord and Savior.  In looking forward the thing that I desire more than anything else is to have more of Christ.  It is to have my mind and heart so saturated with the Word of God that my joy in Him would overflow to my husband, children, church family and those who don't know Christ.  I have been praying the same thing for every person in the body of Christ.  It has saddened my heart to come to the realization that people rather read books about God, the Bible, and Christian Living than read the Bible itself. For some they have a strong aversion to the Word of God.  Why?

The answers can be many, but I believe they are missing out on what will fix their marriages, heal their homes, help them with depression, teach them how to be the parents that God wants them to be.  "For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and morrow, and is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12  (Emphasis added) The Bible is the only book that will convict of sin, show you the way of salvation and give the hope of forgiveness of sins, and promises to hang onto when the trials feel unbearable.  The Bible is where we know what God is really like not as we think Him to be but as He is - Holy, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Gracious, Unchanging, Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient, Eternal, All-knowing, All-present, All-powerful, Infinite, Love just to name a few of His attributes.  Through His Word we can actually know (unfortunately English has only one word for know) Him in a relational way.  You don't draw near to Him through experiences but through His Word (the Bible) and praying.  The marriage relationship is a great example.  A marriage isn't about experiences you had with you husband or wife but the complete relationship.  If you just talk at your husband would you ever get to know him and what he is thinking or feeling.  Prayer is us talking to God but we have to listen to what God has to say and what is on His heart and that is through the reading and studying of His Word.

I homeschool my boys and it is both parents responsibility to train up a child in the way he is to go.  Unfortunately, I have seen families where the wife puts the whole weight of that awesome responsibility on their husband completely and vise versa .  Moms need to not only feed their child with healthy food to help them grow but they need to feed them through Word of God to help to know this great God they tell them they love.  Parents, our mission field is first in our own homes.  Children are able to see if you are all talk or if you truly love God and His Word more than anything.  I look at Moms in a very unique analogy.  When we nurse our babies we have to make sure we eat well balance meals so that the milk would have all the nutrients that the baby needs.  If we are really hungry we need to eat first so the baby will get enough milk.  It is the same with "feeding" them spiritually.  We have to dig into Scripture and "feed" on the Word of God ourselves so that we can "feed" (teach) our children correctly handling the Word of Truth.  If you don't they will not get feed enough or well.  They will also not get to see what a life looks like that is saturated with the Word of God, instead they will witness how fleshy you can be.

My prayer for every follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is that 2014 would be a year you purpose to get in the Word and study it to know the God who saved you and then pass it to the next generation out of your love for Christ.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Are You Organically Growing Into Others?

The body of Christ is a wonderful thing.  I am apart of a great church were at times you feel like you are in a church that is very similar to the 1st century church.  They have such a love for one another. The preaching of God's Word is sound and it causes you to love Christ more. The pastor has a true shepherd's heart.  No church is perfect and there is always room for improvement but I really treasure my church.

Why am I telling about my church because they have really taught me how a body is to function.  I have been going to churches since I was really young so I have seen many churches.  The thing that always amazed me is when people ask, "how are you doing?" they really don't want to hear the answer.  I don't know if you have experienced that.  I always wondered if you don't want to hear then why do you ask?  If you ask them the question they always say everything is fine.  Later you will find out that they are really going through a lot.  Next, you wonder, why did they lie and say everything was fine when everything is not?  I believe it boils down to people want to look like they have everything under control and they want to appear so godly and don't want people to know they struggle.  This is a mistake.  The beauty of the body of Christ is we are to bear each others burdens, pray for each other, encourage one another, and help each other up when we fall down.  If you don't share in some degree you are hindering someone else from growing.  For instance, say you just went through a trial and God showed you so much and you really grew through it. Say if someone asks you how you are doing and you share; you never know if that person is going through something similar to what you have gone through.  What you say may really help them get through and grow as well.  I heard one of the teachers at my church say that we are to organically grow into one another's lives so that we can help and encourage each other to good works.  If we keep everything behind a mask of everything is okay so everyone will think we are righteous we also deprive someone from being able to minister to us.

I think things would be easier for people to give up the pride of trying to appear so righteous if they remembered constantly we are all sinners deserving hell.  It is only by the grace of God and Him sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, to take your place on the cross and giving you His righteousness that you will enter heaven.  When God looks at you, dear believer, He is not looking at how "righteous" you are or all your good works, He is seeing Christ's righteousness.  Think about God had to intervene in your life, open your eyes, give you faith to believe, pay your enormous debt of sin and give you His righteousness to save you.  How can you truly be prideful?  What did you do? God did everything.  Your righteousness is as filthy rags! You cannot fool God.  You may be able to fool others but God knows everything about you.   Believers need to be honest with one another.  If you are struggling, tell someone.  You don't need to go through things alone.  You are never alone because you have Christ & Christ gives you a new family with tons of brothers & sisters eager to pray with you, truly listen and give you sound counsel from the scriptures, & help you keep your eyes on Christ.

I do have to say, if you go to someone for counsel and it is either not according to scripture meaning they take scripture out of context, they are not truly listen and they are just figuring out what verse to say to you or they speak and give you worldly counsel, disregard what was said & RUN!!!!!!!   To find someone to get counsel from, look for someone whose life exemplifies Christ and you have seen them in many different situations, meaning outside of church. You need to see this to make sure they are genuine because anyone can look beautiful at church. You need to know 3 things.  They are really passionate about Christ and their greatest desire is to please Christ and they really care about you and your spiritual growth.

Once you find a few people that would be the people you look to for advice or counsel then the rest of the people you get to know them, love them, serve them and invest your life into them.  The joy you will experience is unbelievable.  If everyone were to do this every church would be closer to the 1st century church.  You will organically grow into each others lives by sharing and praying and loving each other.  It can all start with you opening up to someone else and taking the mask down. Let the love of Christ through the body in.  Begin to organically grow!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What do you measure life with?

As you go through life and you are navigating what is right and wrong or what is true and not true, what do you use to determine these things?  Do you use popular opinion? What the media says? What the celebrities say? Do you just use what you feel?  For Christians, we are to use the Bible to measure everything.  It is to be our plum line.  Any other measurement is not accurate.  It is like using a child's foot to measure a foot.  It is not truly 1 foot or 12 inch.  It is not an accurate measurement.  The same is true when young people use their parents as the measurement for Christianity. Why is this?  Because people are sinners and even believers are not perfect.  People will always disappoint and fail you. Yes, parents are to be an example of Christ-likeness, but they cannot be the measurement of what is Christianity.  I have heard and seen young people who do not have good examples at home or are in very controlling, oppressive homes say, "If that is Christianity I don't want any part of it."  They most of the time use the word "if" which is an important thing to note.  People tend to use other people as their plum line for Christianity, which is not an accurate measurement.  Christian means little Christ.  If you are going to look at Christianity then you have to only look at Jesus Christ himself.  You can look at other Christians that are truly following Christ and their life lines up with the scriptures as people to learn from but ultimately Jesus is your primary focus on how to be a Christian.  In my own life, I came from a controlling oppressive home and I didn't see a true example of Christ in the home.  A pastor told me, one time, that he was amazed I was still walking with Christ.  I told him, where would I go.  Christ is all I have.  He is my life, my hope, my Savior.  He is my everything.  I never even considered to use my parents as a plum line of Christianity because as I read and studied the scriptures the more in love with Jesus I became.  I knew my dad didn't line up to what I studied in the Bible so I knew to continued to fix my eyes on Jesus, my Lord and Savior.
The Word of God is to be our measuring stick to everything in life.  You use the scriptures to measure every kind of social issues such as gay marriages, divorce, non married people living together, cheating on a spouse, polygamy and bigamy.  Some would say, "The Bible is out dated it is not to be used the way it was in Bible time."  Well, hate to disappoint but God's standard does not change.  He is immutable or unchanging.  What he considered a sin then is still a sin now.  Man can try to make every sin accepted in a culture but it does not mean it is acceptable to God.  God is holy and He hates sin.  He is also just.  He cannot let sin be okay.   
The Scriptures are also to be used for guiding you on everyday issues.  You can look to the Bible and use the principles to guide you in areas of business, marriage, raising children, treating strangers, and how to walk closer with God.  I do have to state, be sure that when you read the Bible that you keep the verses in context.  I have stated this before in another article you cannot take scriptures out of context or have it say whatever you want it to say.  Tons of people do take verse out of context. For those who know the context of the verse they get really frustrated when they hear someone take a verse out of context because the verse doesn't mean what they are saying it means.  My point is, make sure you read the verse in the context of the passage to get the correct meaning.
Instead of being like Jiminy Cricket of letting your conscience be your guide or popular opinion be sure to let the Word of God be you guide and the plum line or measuring stick of your life.  Make Jesus Christ the focus of heart, soul and mind.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Beware of False Teachers

Most people when they go to church assume that everyone that is at church is a true follower of Jesus Christ.  Well, just to let you know in case you didn't know there are a lot of nonbelievers in church.  Some people are seeking for the truth of the gospel, some go to church because that is what they have done their whole life, but the most scary are the false teachers.  They come into a church and appear like a sheep and are usually the most unassuming people, but they come for the sole purpose to target the weak or new Christians and either takes a role as a Sunday School teacher, Bible Study leader or becomes a "friend".  These false teachers will start out sounding correct but will eventually start inserting false teaching by twisting scripture or finding a way to justify sinful behaviors.  That is why Paul talked about to beware of false teachers so much.  They can devastate a church by destroying marriages, cause young believers to sin, and split churches.  That is why churches need to be so diligent to make sure they practice church discipline.

Be diligent in measuring everything you hear with the Word of God.  When I was 26 because of an experience in my life I have come to a decision that I hold fast to.  I will be always faithful to my husband but I will only be loyal to my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.  Loyalty requires pledging an allegiance to someone.  I cannot have loyalty to a person because they can lead you astray and they will try to take you with their false doctrine.  I purposed in my heart I will always stay firm for the Lord no matter what.  That decision cost me everything because I had to stand up to someone who was wanting me to embrace an idea that was contrary to the Word of God and I told this person no matter how long you try to brain wash me (which was a couple of hours) I will never embrace what you're saying.  This person next tried to destroy my marriage.  I knew I must be submissive to my own husband and cleave to him.  The cost for obedience to Christ and standing firm on the Word of God?  Everything.  My husband stood by me and I had a baby at the time but it cost me my side of the family.  Stand firm for Christ and have only loyalty for Him.  Most of all beware of the false teachers because they appear as wolves in sheep's clothing.  Be a defender of the truth of God's Word!  If you suffer for the sake of the gospel count it a blessing.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What is the Christianity that Jesus Talked About?

What is Christianity?  Today it is hard to truly figure that out because the definition has become so broad in America.  In the first century church the definition was pretty well defined because the cost to be a Christian or the Way, as they were called, was so high.  It was literally life and death.  Today people are called Christians if they celebrate Christmas, are not Catholic or now it includes Catholic, if you believe in Jesus at all, go to church etc.  Then in the Evangelical camp you have extremes from extreme fundamentalism to the name it and clam it health, wealth, and prosperity.  Is Christianity something you can try and then if it doesn't work for you you can try something else?  The answer to that is no.  Once you are have come to the Savior and know Him you won't leave.  If you leave you never knew Him.   What is it that Christian people all over the world throughout the centuries have died for? It is realizing how holy God is and how sinful you are and realizing that God sent His Son to come to earth for the sole purpose of dying on the cross for your sins and mine.  When Jesus died on the cross he took the full wrath of God the Father.  He rose the third day.  It is putting your complete faith and trust in what Jesus did on the cross to pay the debt you owe to God for your sins. A debt you could never pay on your own.  All the good works that you do to try and get to heaven are as filthy rags.  They can't pay for the wrong you've done because the good works are not perfect and that is God's requirement. That is why God sent His Son to pay the debt.  It is faith in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation.  This is what men and women have died for through centuries as martyrs.

I grew up my Junior High - College years in a legalistic fundamentalist churches and school.  Not by my choice necessarily.  During my Freshmen year after attending a church that had an alter call and everything the pastor said was, "If you don't do this you are a back slidden Christian."  Yes you need to continually examine and make sure you are in the faith but it is not about do's and don'ts.  It is not about if you show up every time the church doors are open, or if you read your Bible everyday and in the early morning at that, or how many ministries you are involved in.  All of these things are good things in and of themselves but they don't make you a "good" Christian.  When God sees us He sees Christ's righteousness so all the things you do doesn't make you look better to God.   If you do them to show you are a good Christian or with the reason that this is what I am suppose to do then I think you missed the point. Once your faith is in Jesus alone for your salvation it is about loving Christ with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength. The things you do is not to look better to God or get "points" but you do them because you love Jesus.  That's it.   I believe John Piper has it right to spend you life finding pleasure and joy in Jesus Christ.  Do's and Don'ts places the weight of the law back on our shoulders.  The law was just to show how sinful we are and how desperate we need a Savior because we cannot keep the law perfectly.  The other extreme to the do's and don'ts is "I have freedom in Christ"  where they take that freedom to indulge in less than God honoring activities meaning sin.  Yes we have freedom in Christ but we are to use that freedom to draw nearer to God and further His kingdom not to follow the lusts of the flesh.

What do you do when you are in love with someone?  You spend time with them.  That is what you will crave to do, spend time with the Lord Jesus in prayer and His word.  Be like the people from Berea in the New Testament they were examining everything they heard or read according to the scriptures to see if it is true.( Acts 17:10-11)  The Word of God is to be your measurement for everything.   If it doesn't line up to the Word of God you discard it.  When reading be sure to gain the whole context of the scripture don't take verses out of context.  Think of it this way.  How you like people taking something you said out of context and then you tell them that is not what you meant and they twisted your words. What if they come back saying that your words can mean whatever they feel they mean to them.  That doesn't make much sense in how we communicate and we don't like it when people do that.  Why would we do that with God's Word.  Revel in God's Word enjoy your time in prayer with Him.  He's the one Person you'll never have to explain yourself to because He knows everything about you and loves you.

As you love the Lord Jesus you will follow Him anywhere and at any cost like the many Christians who have gone before us.