Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Are You Organically Growing Into Others?

The body of Christ is a wonderful thing.  I am apart of a great church were at times you feel like you are in a church that is very similar to the 1st century church.  They have such a love for one another. The preaching of God's Word is sound and it causes you to love Christ more. The pastor has a true shepherd's heart.  No church is perfect and there is always room for improvement but I really treasure my church.

Why am I telling about my church because they have really taught me how a body is to function.  I have been going to churches since I was really young so I have seen many churches.  The thing that always amazed me is when people ask, "how are you doing?" they really don't want to hear the answer.  I don't know if you have experienced that.  I always wondered if you don't want to hear then why do you ask?  If you ask them the question they always say everything is fine.  Later you will find out that they are really going through a lot.  Next, you wonder, why did they lie and say everything was fine when everything is not?  I believe it boils down to people want to look like they have everything under control and they want to appear so godly and don't want people to know they struggle.  This is a mistake.  The beauty of the body of Christ is we are to bear each others burdens, pray for each other, encourage one another, and help each other up when we fall down.  If you don't share in some degree you are hindering someone else from growing.  For instance, say you just went through a trial and God showed you so much and you really grew through it. Say if someone asks you how you are doing and you share; you never know if that person is going through something similar to what you have gone through.  What you say may really help them get through and grow as well.  I heard one of the teachers at my church say that we are to organically grow into one another's lives so that we can help and encourage each other to good works.  If we keep everything behind a mask of everything is okay so everyone will think we are righteous we also deprive someone from being able to minister to us.

I think things would be easier for people to give up the pride of trying to appear so righteous if they remembered constantly we are all sinners deserving hell.  It is only by the grace of God and Him sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, to take your place on the cross and giving you His righteousness that you will enter heaven.  When God looks at you, dear believer, He is not looking at how "righteous" you are or all your good works, He is seeing Christ's righteousness.  Think about God had to intervene in your life, open your eyes, give you faith to believe, pay your enormous debt of sin and give you His righteousness to save you.  How can you truly be prideful?  What did you do? God did everything.  Your righteousness is as filthy rags! You cannot fool God.  You may be able to fool others but God knows everything about you.   Believers need to be honest with one another.  If you are struggling, tell someone.  You don't need to go through things alone.  You are never alone because you have Christ & Christ gives you a new family with tons of brothers & sisters eager to pray with you, truly listen and give you sound counsel from the scriptures, & help you keep your eyes on Christ.

I do have to say, if you go to someone for counsel and it is either not according to scripture meaning they take scripture out of context, they are not truly listen and they are just figuring out what verse to say to you or they speak and give you worldly counsel, disregard what was said & RUN!!!!!!!   To find someone to get counsel from, look for someone whose life exemplifies Christ and you have seen them in many different situations, meaning outside of church. You need to see this to make sure they are genuine because anyone can look beautiful at church. You need to know 3 things.  They are really passionate about Christ and their greatest desire is to please Christ and they really care about you and your spiritual growth.

Once you find a few people that would be the people you look to for advice or counsel then the rest of the people you get to know them, love them, serve them and invest your life into them.  The joy you will experience is unbelievable.  If everyone were to do this every church would be closer to the 1st century church.  You will organically grow into each others lives by sharing and praying and loving each other.  It can all start with you opening up to someone else and taking the mask down. Let the love of Christ through the body in.  Begin to organically grow!